You've probably heard people buzzing about this relatively new technique called content curation. You're hearing some of the big gurus talk about it and it's being mentioned more and more in internet marketing and SEO circles. So, now you're ready to get started in content curation right? Great, read on.
Firstly, understand that content curation is not about stealing other peoples' works. It's about gather content from multiple sources that provide more well-rounded information than perhaps just one article you produce. While you can use software to help acquire related content, overall the process is easy enough that all it takes it a little effort.
Content curation is easy. You don't have to be some guru or pro at article writing or content creation in general. You can use tools like Tumblr Share where once installed in your browser, you can find stories related to what your article is about and remotely post to your Tumblr blog adding "curated content".
Other sources of content could be RSS feeds, Google Alerts, etc. You can search Google News or news stories from news websites, authority sites/blogs, etc. The point is, content curation is about adding links to relevant sources or even writing your own excerpts of those sources and of course provide a link to the original content you've "curated" so that your audience can follow your suggestions adding to their overall experience on whatever topic you're writing about.
Content curation does not have to be a difficult process. If you keep the reader in mind, take time to find relevant content to your niche, provide links to those sources you "curate" then you'll be adding to a more informative, yet less fragmented web experience and should receive some Google love and audience appreciation as a result.
In today's internet marketing world content curation is becoming an influential component when it comes to building online communities and followers. The content curation technique is all about adding to the information already available. It is therefore more than just a simple share or duplicate of the information already present elsewhere online.
How the content curation technique actually works is when for example a share becomes a form of content by the addition of comments, links, photos and further writing. This therefore expands on the information made available for the browser and it help increase search engine optimization and page rankings within the internet search pages.
Then there is the more robust form of content curation, which is where you might reference someone else's blog and add something of your own to it i.e. opinion or thoughts. This technique is better known as filtering information in a way that the best part of the information is passed on to your internet community or fans and followers. Such techniques are also known to be a building influence and this can help improve on and develop your online position as a thought leader. The most influential leaders are those who know how to filter the most effectively.
One way to become an influential leader is to write your own content that is targeted at your community. By writing at a specific target you can build on your leadership and your followers. You can then curate your own content on a regular basis by re posting a specific post and boosting the topic in question by adding additional comments etc. This allows you to control where the focus goes on your web page and encourages other to want to share and exchange links.